Monday 10 February
9am Morning Prayer on Zoom
11.15am Burley Hall Communion
Wednesday 12 February
12noon Midweek Midday Prayer
2pm Mothers Union at the Parish Centre
Thursday 13 February
10.30am Midweek Service
7pm Standing Committee at the Parish Centre
Sunday 16 February – Third Sunday before Lent
8am BCP Communion
10am Service of the Word
Monday 17 February
9am Morning Prayer on Zoom
Wednesday 19 February
12noon Midweek Midday Prayer
Thursday 20 February
10.30am Midweek Service
Sunday 23 February – Second Sunday before Lent
8am BCP Communion
10am Service of the Word
Link to This week’s readings
St Mary’s is usually open 9.30am until 5pm each day for private prayer and reflection. There are various acts of prayer and worship being led via our Facebook Page
Please pray this week for:
Sick: Pam Atkinson, Graham Baynes, Judith Charnley, Pavlo Mucha, Nancy Newberry, Carol O’Connor, Mike Robinson, Sheila Scott, Ronnie Woffindin, Graham.
Revd Lizzie Reynolds will be joining us to preach and celebrate communion on Sunday 23 February, at both our 8am and 10am services. St Mary’s was her sending church when she began training for ordination and she is now serving her curacy at St Wilfrid’s, Calverley. We are looking forward to welcoming her back for the day.
Lent Retreat with Bishop Toby at Bradford Cathedral on Saturday 8 March, 9.30am for refreshments then 10am to 1pm. This retreat has been growing in popularity and offers “A time to pause and reflect on the rhythms of our lives.” The event is free, but to book your place, please email
A New Electoral Roll is being prepared this year. That means that even if you are on it now, you need to reapply. Being on the electoral roll means that as a member of St Mary’s Church you can vote at our Annual Parochial Church Meeting which this year will take place on Sunday 23 March. Forms are available at the back of the church or you can contact Annette Hattersley, our electoral roll officer.
Lent Course 2025 – The Lectio Course – How to Hear God by Praying the Bible. This year’s Lent Course follows on from the Prayer Course we ran in recent years and is designed to help us deepen our prayer life as we draw near to God through Scripture and prayer. We will be running this with Churches Together in Burley. The course comprises 5 sessions, one each week, and each session includes videos, discussion and the opportunity try out what we’ve learned. There will be 3 times and venues for the course, each starting: Monday 10 March at 1.30pm in St Mary’s Parish Centre, Tuesday 11 March at 7.30pm at SS Fisher More Church Hall and Thursday 13 March at 10.30am in the Methodist Church Welcome Area. For further details speak to Phil.
Lent Lunches: Once again the Christian Aid Committee will be offering two soup lunches during Lent, to be held at the Methodist Church. They will be on 14 & 21 March, 12noon-1.30pm. The Methodists are running the first, and St Mary’s the second on 21 March. We would welcome any offers of help to make soup, donations of bread for the tables, or help on the day. I am away until the end of February but you can leave me a message and I will contact you in March. Janet Squire 07967565809, or 862582.
Parish Centre – Can you help? Now Jo has left and Carol is off work, we would really appreciate some support for our dedicated volunteers who are obviously feeling quite stretched at the moment so that we can keep things running smoothly. If you can spare even a couple of hours a week to help out, there are opportunities to get involved in all sorts of ways, from admin in the office to showing people round to more practical jobs. Please get in touch with Phil or Val McKenzie.