This Week at St Mary’s

Thursday 25 July
10.30am Midweek Service

Sunday 28 July – Ninth Sunday after Trinity
8am BCP Communion
10am Communion

Monday 29 July
9am Morning Prayer on Zoom

Wednesday 31 July
12noon Midweek Midday Prayer in Church

Thursday 1 August
10.30am Midweek Service

Sunday 4 August – Tenth Sunday after Trinity
8am BCP Communion
10am Service of the Word

Link to This week’s readings

St Mary’s is usually open 9.30am until 5pm each day for private prayer and reflection. There are various acts of prayer and worship being led via our Facebook Page

Please pray this week for: 
RIP: Gail Boole, Martin Russell
Sick: Pam Atkinson, Jennifer Cottam, Pavlo Mucha, Nancy Newberry, Mike Robinson, Ronnie Woffindin, Nerys Yeates, Graham.


All at Sea: This year’s theme for the Scarecrow Competition.  We are planning to make the scarecrow on Wednesday 14 August from 2 to 4pm.  Please come and help.  The plan is to represent Jesus stilling the storm and also combine with a net and fishes to represent Jesus’ words: ‘I will make you fish for people’ (Matt 4:19).  There will be a display in church for reflection and prayer. We need the following: small boat, net, white gloves, white sheet, sheet of sturdy gold card, polystyrene head.  Let Ros or Wendi know if you have any of these or you want to help make the scarecrow or put it up on 16 August. 

Ephesians Readings: For the next few weeks, we are reading and preaching through Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, roughly a chapter each week.  It has been described as “the crown of Paul’s writings” and I hope we will deepen our understanding of the hope we have in Jesus and our joy as we live out that hope as part of his new community, the church.  You may find it helpful to read and reflect on the letter in your own times of prayer as we explore together what God is saying to us through his word at this time.  God bless.  Phil

Many of us remember Ray Haddy who was a regular at St Mary’s, along with his late wife, Judith.  You may like to know that he will be 90 on 6 August.  Ray’s health deteriorated and he is now at Guiseley Manor Care Centre, Otley Road, Guiseley, Leeds LS20 8FE.  Susan Collins


Singers and Musicians Wanted! Andrew is appealing to anyone who wants to join the St Mary’s singers to come along to a new regular rehearsal slot. The singers meet at 4pm every alternate Thursday in Church. Rehearsal will last an hour maximum. All abilities and ages welcome. It’s all very informal but the singers provide a great support to leading worship, so all are very welcome! Andrew is also appealing for any musicians, of whatever instrument, to come and join us for Praise in the Park on Sunday 18 August. He will provide all music and would love any interested parties to contact him on as soon as possible.

Dates for your Diary

The next Churches Together in Burley meeting is Tuesday 17 September 12.30 – 2pm at the Methodist Church.