Our Regular Services
Our regular pattern of Church services is:
Every Sunday:
8am Traditional Communion service in Church
First Sunday of each month:
10am CONNECT TOGETHER in Church – this service combines modern and traditional styles of worship
Second, Fourth & Fifth Sundays each month:
10.00am Communion Service in Church followed by coffee
Third Saturday each month:
3pm CONNECT at the Parish Centre followed by tea
Third Sunday each month:
10.00am Service of the Word (not a Communion Service) in Church followed by coffee
Every Monday:
9am Morning Prayer on Zoom
The link has recently changed:
Meeting ID: 939 8630 5135
Passcode: Prayer
Every Wednesday:
12noon Midweek Midday Prayer
Every Thursday:
10.30am Midweek communion
The Church will remain open for daily for private prayer, usually from 9.30am until dusk each day. There are social distancing measures in place; please read and follow the information and notices in the building.