Welcome and introduction
Alastair welcomed us and read from Henri Nouwen’s book, ‘The Return of the Prodigal Son’. The meeting opened with a prayer.
Matters Arising
Margaret Sumner’s replacement, Stacey Blenkhorn has settled in well and we are grateful for her hard-working approach. A thank you for Margaret’s work in church will take place shortly during a Service.
Lizzie and John are to get quotes for the lighting and windowsills.
The Advertisements for the Parish centre co-ordinator and ‘The children and families’ worker have been sent out to various social media sites etc., Responses are starting to arrive and interview panels for each position will be formed.
Spring Harvest
There are 19 people wanting to attend Spring Harvest Local in January at Otley. Anyone else who is interested to contact Lizzie who will buy the tickets.
Vicar’s Report
Services for Armistice went well with a high attendance. It was good to see all three village schools involved at the War Memorial. Alastair reported a growing interest in linking to St Mary’s from Ghyll Royd School. Thanks were given to Becky for her help in arranging the successful Sabbatical Evening. Anna, who runs Tiny Tots, wishes to close the group due to low attendance. The PCC agreed that this should happen but that our new Family Worker, when appointed, can have a re-launch, perhaps looking back at how the group ran in the past and how it might fit with what is currently offered in the village.
Duncan presented the accounts for the 6 months until 30th September 2019. There was a rise of £4500 in Christian Giving although collections in church were down slightly.
It was agreed that if we ensure that there is the opportunity for regular church goers to receive a Children’s Society donations candle to fill in the run up to Christmas, as well as donating our December refreshments donations to the Children’s Society, then we can divide the Christingle collections 50/50 between St Mary’s and the Children’s Society.
CGS / Parish Giving
A new scheme is being launched nationally by the Church of England and it would be useful if Karen and Duncan could attend one of the presentations on this scheme
Mission Giving: The following was agreed:
£1000 to Otley Christian Resources Hub
£850 to Western Nepal Disability Trust
£250 to Ros Wilkinson in Istanbul
£250 to Inn Churches
£250 to McKenzie Friends (part of BEACON)
£250 to Jesus Shaped People
£250 Tereli
£500 to Sudan Diocese
£400 has already been donated to providing Bibles for school leavers.
Fabric Report
John presented the most recent fabric report and noted that the window is still on track to be in place again by Christmas. PAT testing will take place next week.
The PCC were asked if we might paint any steps in the church with a white line to make them dementia-friendly.
The meeting ended in the Grace.