A meeting of the new PCC was held on 30th April after a communion service in church.
Alastair welcomed everyone particularly Elaine and Duncan as new members of the PCC.
Matters Arising
The Electoral Roll is down by 80; therefore having less than 200 on roll means we only need 12 people on PCC.
PCC Officer Elections
Secretary – Sally was proposed by Karen, seconded by Becky and agreed by all.
Treasurer – Duncan was proposed by Susan seconded by Janet and agreed by all.
Minutes Secretary – Lizzie was proposed by Karen, seconded by Margaret
and agreed by all.
Safeguarding – Elaine and Dot were proposed by Janet, seconded by Karen
and agreed by all.
Disability officer – Margaret was proposed by Karen, seconded by Becky and agreed by all.
Standing Committee – John, Val, Alastair, Duncan, Sally, Margaret and Mick
were proposed by Sally seconded by Duncan and agreed by all.
Vicar’s Report
The Mothering Sunday Service with no Eucharist had lots of positive feedback, this led to discussion about monthly all age services which many people are keen to have. It was agreed that 1st Sunday in October and November would be a good time to trial it.
Alastair proposed that during school summer holidays (23rd July – 1st Sept) the service should be at 10am. All agreed. Easter services – apart from Easter Sunday, attendance was poor – down by 50%. Holy Week needs to be carefully planned next year.
The Church Lounge is in a poor state and needs redecorating, new curtains and a good clear out.
Sabbatical Plans
There are notes in the magazine and parish office regarding who to contact during Alastair’s sabbatical. He will return on 25th August.
Treasurer’s Report
Duncan presented the report for the first quarter. There has been a 10% increase in Christian giving. The Income tax return of £22,000 will pay the share for 2-3 months. Duncan will put a note in Magazine re gift aid to make sure we are not claiming for anyone no longer paying tax. Surplus for the quarter of £2,301.
Burley Festival Plans
Lizzie is coordinating these; if anyone has any ideas please run these by Lizzie. We need 2 reps from St Mary’s to help organise the open air service again – any volunteers would be much appreciated!
Parish Centre
Decorating quotes for the Garden and Jepson rooms are being sought. Joyce doing an amazing job keeping the ship afloat.
The meeting ended with prayers for Alastair’s sabbatical.
Next Meeting 18th June 7.30pm