PCC Minutes: 5th March
1 – Welcome
Alastair reflected on Isaiah 45 and how God goes before us. We looked at a diagram from Sheffield Diocese on how Christian giving relates to how we feel connected to God and to the church.
2 – Minutes from the previous meeting
These were amended and approved.
3 – Matters Arising
Merel, Christine and Alastair have met re the Electoral Roll.
Sara Kirk has taken temporary oversight of the choir.
Around 1/3rd of the amount needed for a Families Outreach worker has been pledged.
The lights in church have now got energy efficient bulbs.
4 –Parish Centre Co-ordinator
Advertisements for this post have now gone out on various social media as well as in posters/newsletters and so forth.
5 – Data Privacy
Richard will take on any data protection issues.
6- Reports
The PCC approved reports from the Treasurer, the Deanery Synod, the PCC Secretary, Fabric Matters and the new Budget.
7- Correspondence
Sally reported on some safeguarding correspondence that she had received, along with our safeguarding officers.
8 – AOB
Alastair informed the PCC about the youth mission from the Higher Tour that will take place in schools across Yorkshire, with a series of concerts. The tour is visiting IGS and it is hoped that a number of young people will want to attend. The PCC agreed that if needed, we will contribute towards the cost of transport.
Lizzie reported that the Festival Committee are looking for contributions to the summer festival from St Mary’s and need our ideas in before 20th March. She will report anyone’s ideas to the committee.
The meeting ended with prayers and the Grace.
Lizzie Reynolds