PCC Notes – March 2019

PCC Minutes: 5th March

1 – Welcome

Alastair reflected on Isaiah 45 and how God goes before us. We looked at a diagram from Sheffield Diocese on how Christian giving relates to how we feel connected to God and to the church.

2 – Minutes from the previous meeting

These were amended and approved.

3 – Matters Arising

Merel, Christine and Alastair have met re the Electoral Roll.

Sara Kirk has taken temporary oversight of the choir.

Around 1/3rd of the amount needed for a Families Outreach worker has been pledged.

The lights in church have now got energy efficient bulbs.

4 –Parish Centre Co-ordinator

Advertisements for this post have now gone out on various social media as well as in posters/newsletters and so forth.

5 – Data Privacy

Richard will take on any data protection issues.

6- Reports

The PCC approved reports from the Treasurer, the Deanery Synod, the PCC Secretary, Fabric Matters and the new Budget.

7- Correspondence

Sally reported on some safeguarding correspondence that she had received, along with our safeguarding officers.

8 – AOB

Alastair informed the PCC about the youth mission from the Higher Tour that will take place in schools across Yorkshire, with a series of concerts. The tour is visiting IGS and it is hoped that a number of young people will want to attend. The PCC agreed that if needed, we will contribute towards the cost of transport.

Lizzie reported that the Festival Committee are looking for contributions to the summer festival from St Mary’s and need our ideas in before 20th March. She will report anyone’s ideas to the committee.

The meeting ended with prayers and the Grace.

Lizzie Reynolds

PCC Notes – February 2019

PCC Minutes 6th Feb 2019

1 – Welcome:

Alastair spoke about his recent experience skiing, where days of white out were followed by days of sunshine made him reflect upon how our experience of God’s presence, whilst always with us, can seem at times hidden. Although we might not be able to see clearly ahead of us, we can walk with God on a day to day basis.

2 – Minutes from the previous meeting:

The share figure was £95,594 and not £94 594 as reported. After this amendment, the minutes were adopted as a correct record of the meeting.

3 – Matters Arising:

Meryl has agreed to take over the Electoral Roll duties from Christine Clark.

Margaret spoke with Dennis who knows of no archives for the church specifically, but suggested that the village archives might have a section on the church

4 – Choir:

We were joined for this part of the meeting by our director of music, Peter Collins, who spoke about his vision for music at St Mary’s. Part of this would involve a pilot of merging the existing boys’ and girls’ choirs into one. This would give a stronger sound, give a more encouraging visual image and allow for a greater repertoire.

6 – Update on Stained Glass:

John reported that he would be meeting with the architect and the stone mason on 7th February to look at what work needs doing to repair the masonry around the East Window, as it is the problem with the masonry that is damaging the glass.

7 – Family Outreach Worker:

The PCC agreed that Alastair should be encouraged to explore the concept of this new paid role and how it would be funded. It was agreed that an advertisement for the post should be publicised only once 75% of the funds needed had been secured.

8 – Deanery Synod:

The meeting began with a talk from Rev’d. Peter Willox (St John’s, Ben Rhydding) on the different services they had initiated there, including ‘The Ark,’ aimed at those with learning disabilities.

Jeff Parks, Chief Financial Officer for Leeds Diocese reported on how the Diocese is financed and the various issues that have been highlighted during the transition from several small dioceses to the Leeds Diocese.

9 – Finance:

Kevin informed us of an anonymous donation he had received for St Mary’s. The donor requested that a proportion of this should be spent on the volunteers at Open Door in appreciation of their work.

The accounts to the end of December 2018 were presented. There is still a real need to increase our giving.

The heating costs were discussed – could we get a better rate? Donations for tea and coffee were discussed.

10 -Parish Centre Co-ordinator/Manager:

A job advertisement for this key voluntary role will be drawn up and circulated/displayed as widely as possible. The job description will be based upon the mission statement for the centre.

11 – Correspondence:

The PCC were asked to encourage the laity to read the gospel in church and this was agreed to.

A project involving refreshing the liturgy and creating new booklets was asked to be re-visited and this was also agreed to.

The meeting ended with the Grace.

PCC Notes – January 2019

Notes from the PCC Meeting 8th January 2019

Welcome and Introduction: Alastair spoke about how God revealed himself both to ordinary shepherds and extraordinary magi, linking this with what God might reveal to us this new year. We then took turns to pray for one another.

Vicar’s Report: Together, we reviewed the ‘highs and lows’ of the Christmas season. Highlights included:

• The fellowship, fun and success of an all age involvement of making 800 Christingles together.
• Passing on the Travelling Crib.
• Taking the Advent Candles stall out to the village and into Burley Woodhead school.
• The way in which the crib service has grown.
• The family feeling that came from the all-age Epiphany service.
• There was particular praise for Peter, who worked extremely hard at the music for all the Christmas services, and for his real commitment.

Alastair thanked everyone who was involved in the many Christmas events.

PCC members were encouraged to attend JSP housegroups which begin this January.

Lizzie updated the PCC on her progress within the formal ordination process.

Congregation Audit: Mick reported an increase in membership of some rotas but is still looking for sacristans. Karen announced Paul Rimmington’s offer to take the role of caretaker at the parish centre.

Electoral Roll: 2019 sees us updating our Electoral Roll. Christine Clark will mentor anyone willing to succeed her in this responsibility this year, but would like to retire from this duty.

Reaching and Nurturing Young Families: Alastair circulated an outline of a prospective paid post for a family pastoral outreach worker, which would be funded from newly sourced restricted income; individuals would be encouraged to contribute in addition to their usual giving. Discussion of this role will take place at our next meeting.

Choir: Peter, Alastair and Jennifer will meet to discuss future plans and arrangements for the choir as we move into this new year. This will include a pilot project of joining the boys and girls choirs together.

Fabric Matters: Pews at the back of church have been removed and the exposed boards carpeted over. Gutters have been cleaned and the floodlighting adjusted. Work to the Parish Centre will take place. The DAC and the architect have met to look at our initial thoughts on a proposed re- ordering and we will be given various tasks to complete based on their advice.

Repairs to the East window’s glass and masonry were discussed.

PCC Tonight: The PCC looked at the way meetings were conducted and discussed improvements.

Correspondence: Thank you notes were received from Cuppa Cake, Western Nepal Disability Trust (WNDT) and Ros Wilkinson in response to our mission giving.

AOB: Margaret had a query regarding where to file uncollected material from the 175th exhibition.

The meeting ended with the Grace.