APCM Report – 7 April 2019

St Mary’s held their APCM on 7th April . The meeting was fairly well attended and we began with a short act of worship – evening prayers taken from the Iona Community.

Our wardens, Val James and John Spencer were re-elected at the Vestry Meeting and much thanked for their hard work to date.

Various reports were read and approved, including the accounts, which were presented by Kevin Lawson. Kevin is now standing down as Treasurer to be replaced by Duncan Watts. Again, he was thanked for his contribution to the life of our church.

The electoral roll will now be the responsibility of Merel Wood, as Christine Clarke has stepped down after many years of organising this for us, for which we are grateful.

New PCC members were elected/re-elected and we welcomed Elaine Marsden to the PCC. Sidespeople were also duly re-elected.

In the vicar’s report, Alastair spoke about the potential for re-ordering the church, and an idea of how this might look was presented to those attending the meeting. He also mentioned that we are almost there with fundraising for the provision of a Children and Families Worker. There was plenty to then discuss at the Open Mic slot and the meeting closed with a prayer.

Sally Weatherall & Lizzie Reynolds